In the effort to protect the unborn, their mothers, and other vulnerable human beings, even little things make a difference—things that anyone can do. Here are just a handful of concrete ways you can partner with MCCL to make a lifesaving difference.
Give financially to MCCL, and pray for our efforts. Only with your ongoing and faithful support can we continue (and expand) our pro-life educational, legislative, and political work.
Attend and/or promote MCCL events like the March for Life, Legislative Dinner, Student Day at the Capitol, Life Leadership Camp, and Fall Tour. Check the calendar on the homepage to see what’s coming up next.
Contact your state lawmakers during the legislative session and urge them to support MCCL’s agenda. Pro-life legislation saves lives.
Urge your pro-life friends and family to join MCCL. Membership is the foundation of everything that MCCL does.
Connect with MCCL on social media to stay abreast of the latest issues and to share pro-life articles and graphics with your social networks. Read and share our blog.
Sign our online pro-life petition against abortion extremism in Minnesota. Ask people at church or elsewhere in your community to do the same to support this crucial effort to save unborn lives. You can also collect signatures by printing our petition and returning it to the MCCL office.
Vote pro-life in election years! Public officials—from the president down to state legislators—impact laws and public policies affecting abortion and assisted suicide. On every Election Day, lives are on the line.
Volunteer for a shift staffing your local MCCL county fair booth or the MCCL State Fair booth.
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about right-to-life issues, or share your pro-life views on social media.
Get involved with a local MCCL chapter. Chapters can organize county fair booths, host fundraisers, and much more.
MCCL appreciates every little thing you do—everything we can do together—in defense of the right to life of all members of the human family.