U.S. opposes abortion language at United Nations
GENEVA, Switzerland — The United States rejected a United Nations Human Rights Council resolution today because it included the...
Rep. Paul Thissen votes against the protection of unborn babies
ST. PAUL — Rep. Paul Thissen has offered no support for legislative efforts to protect innocent unborn human life, according to Minnesota...
Congressional candidate Jensen defends abortion, not unborn children
ST. PAUL — Vicki Jensen sees no place for laws to protect innocent unborn human life, according to Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life...
New pro-life policies on fetal tissue research, pregnant students, drug abortions become law
ST. PAUL — Several pro-life measures became law yesterday as Gov. Dayton approved initiatives passed by Minnesota's pro-life Legislature....
Gov. Dayton vetoes mainstream pro-life bills to ban tax-funded abortion, license abortion facilities
ST. PAUL — Gov. Mark Dayton today vetoed mainstream pro-life measures that would affirm licensing and funding standards approved by the...
Minnesota Senate approves abortion facility licensing, abortion funding ban
ST. PAUL — The Minnesota Senate approved two pro-life measures affirming licensing and funding standards today. Both stand-alone bills...
MN House approves bills regarding abortion funding, licensing standards
ST. PAUL — Two key pro-life measures affirming licensing and funding standards were approved by the Minnesota House of Representatives...
Abortion facility licensing bill rewritten to boost support
ST. PAUL — A bill to require licensing of abortion facilities has been rewritten in order to widen support at the Legislature. The new...
MCCL GO addresses Commission on Population and Development at United Nations
NEW YORK — Human beings must be prioritized and protected in the midst of demographic change, said Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life...
Tax-funded abortions rise to highest level ever in 2015
ST. PAUL — After 20 years of taxpayer-funded abortions, Minnesotans are paying for more abortions than ever before. Taxpayers have funded...