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MCCL has produced a new pro-life study suitable for both high-school aged students and adults. The At Every Stage curriculum provides students and readers with a broad and deep understanding of right-to-life issues.


The 140-page book's 11 chapters span prenatal development, abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia, and stem cell research and human cloning. It includes many pictures and graphics, chapter reviews to test students' grasp of the material, and a "Stop & Go" feature with suggestions for students or readers to participate in related activities.


The text may be used by home-school and private-school high school instructors. It is also appropriate for church groups, home groups and individuals seeking private study. It may be used in a course or in other ways; for example, chapters may work well for short classes or seminars.


The chapter titles of At Every Stage are:


1. Science & the Unborn

2. What Is Abortion?

3. A Legal History of Abortion

4. Abortion in America & Around the World

5. Abortion in Minnesota

6. Abortion & Women

7. Alternatives to Abortion

8. Pro-Life Apologetics

9. Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide

10. Stem Cell Research & Human Cloning

11. Pro-Life Activism


With this book, MCCL aims to equip students with the knowledge required to influence the world as defenders of the equal dignity and right to life of every human being, at every stage of life, especially the most vulnerable.

At Every Stage is available in both print and electronic (PDF) form for $20 per copy. To order At Every Stage for your class, group or student, contact MCCL.

Pro-life curriculum cover

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