MCCL offers numerous materials that can be used for pro-life tables, booths, and displays (in addition to our brochures and fliers). You may order or borrow these materials by contacting MCCL.
Backdrop displays: MCCL’s backdrop displays are used for MCCL booths at fairs, conferences, and other events.
Fetal models: These are life-size plastic models of unborn children at various stages of prenatal development. They may be borrowed from the MCCL office.
“Young One” hand-held baby models: These are life-size rubber models of unborn children at 10-12 weeks that may be distributed at fairs or other events.
“Precious Feet” pins: These pins are the size and shape of the feet of an eight-week-old unborn child.
“Protect Life” bumper stickers
“Protect Life” balloons
“Thanks Mom for Life” and “Thanks Dad for Life” buttons
Pro-life videos: MCCL’s lending library includes prenatal development documentaries and other pro-life films.