MCCL produces many educational brochures, fliers, and other materials about right-to-life issues. A number of them are posted below; click on them to view and print. You may order these and other materials by contacting MCCL. For MCCL Global Outreach (GO) brochures, visit the GO website.
Recent materials
Minnesota's extreme abortion policy (flier)
Minnesota abortion statistics/U.S. abortion statistics (flier)
The dangers of chemical abortions (flier)
Planned Parenthood: Abortion. Money. Politics. Scandal. (flier, legal size)
Oppose the legalization of assisted suicide (English/Spanish flier)
Why pro-life? The case for inclusion (flier)
Other materials
Life Before Birth (flier) | Spanish version
How abortion hurts women (brochure) | Spanish | French
Stem cell research & human cloning (brochure)
Assisted suicide and contagion: How assisted suicide advocacy and legalization threatens the lives of vulnerable people (white paper)
At Every Stage: A pro-life study for youth and adults (textbook)
MCCL: Who are are and what we do
Protect women: The importance of licensing and inspecting Minnesota’s abortion centers (brochure) | Spanish version
Pro-life laws save lives (brochure)
Kids' materials
"My Mom and Me" pro-life activity book