ST. PAUL — Karin Housley has been endorsed for the U.S. Senate by the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Federal PAC, National Right to Life PAC, and SBA List (Susan B. Anthony List). The MCCL Federal PAC brought together these national pro-life organizations today for a news conference at the Minnesota Capitol to endorse Stillwater pro-life State Sen. Housley in her race against Sen. Tina Smith. "Karin Housley's pro-life voting record perfectly reflects the convictions of the great majority of Minnesotans, unlike that of pro-abortion Tina Smith," said Andrea Rau of the MCCL Federal PAC. "Sen. Housley's record of always voting for the protection of innocent human life will be well received by the people of Minnesota." Housley has been a strong advocate for unborn children and their mothers at the Legislature. Since her election in 2012, she has voted at every opportunity in favor of a ban on taxpayer funded abortion. Over the last 20 years taxpayers have been forced to fund more than 77,000 abortions (nearly all elective) at a cost of $23.5 million.
Housley has repeatedly voted in support of the licensing and inspection of Minnesota's abortion facilities, which remain unlicensed by the state. She also voted to exclude abortion coverage from the state's MNsure medical insurance program. In sharp contrast, Smith has a long record of abortion advocacy. She is a former vice president for the Minnesota Planned Parenthood affiliate, where abortions increased 22 percent during her three years there. Smith led Planned Parenthood's fierce opposition to informed consent legislation regarding abortion, and lobbied against a grant program to extend support to women who do not want to abort their unborn babies. In her short time as a U.S. senator appointed by Gov. Mark Dayton, Smith has voted against the protection of well-developed unborn babies who are able to feel pain. Smith also voted against the confirmation of Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, even though the American Bar Association unanimously rated Stras "well qualified" for the position.
"Tina Smith is an abortion industry insider whose extreme views on abortion put her far outside the mainstream of Minnesotans," Rau said. "Karin Housley will be a welcome voice in the U.S. Senate to advocate for the most vulnerable among us—including unborn children and their mothers."
"There is a stark contrast between Karin Housley and Tina Smith," affirmed NRL PAC President Carol Tobias. "Karin Housley's position on life reflects the true values of Minnesota's voters. She will support commonsense legislation that represents you. I urge all Minnesota voters to elect Karin Housley to the United States Senate."
SBA List, which works to elect pro-life women, heartily agreed.
"For too long this seat has been held by abortion extremists who are out of step with most Minnesotans," said SBA List's Sue Swayze Liebel. "Karin will work for the people, not the abortion lobby. Her voice is greatly needed in the U.S. Senate and we urge voters to support her." For more information about the MCCL Federal PAC, visit www.mcclpac.org.