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Attend your precinct caucus Feb. 27


It's very important that all pro-life Minnesotans attend their precinct caucus Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m. Here are two ways you can make a difference for vulnerable human life while you are there.

Become a delegate

At your caucus, you will have the opportunity to select delegates who will then endorse state and federal candidates at future party conventions. You can help select pro-life delegates who will choose good pro-life candidates. Better yet, you can be a delegate yourself!

If you attend a GOP caucus, keep in mind that current state legislators in the GOP have been stalwart in defending the right to life in the past year. They all had 100% pro-life voting records in 2023. But in some parts of the state there are challenges within the GOP to these 100% pro-life legislators. That makes it all the more important that you attend your caucus. If, instead, you attend a DFL caucus, remember that the DFL needs to hear pro-life voices too. (Protecting babies should not be a partisan issue!)

Tell others about the pro-abortion ERA

Your caucus is a great opportunity to talk with others, so please warn them about the so-called "Equal Rights Amendment" (S.F. 37). The proposal would make killing babies up to birth an unlimited right in the Minnesota state Constitution, and it no longer includes “creed” as a basis for protection against discrimination. That means the rights of parents to know if their minor daughters are considering an abortion and other time-honored rights of parents would be difficult to defend in court on the basis of one’s faith beliefs.

Please consider proposing this resolution at your caucus:

We oppose any constitutional amendment, like the proposed version of a so-called "Equal Rights Amendment," that guarantees abortion up to birth and that excludes conscience and religious freedom protections.

Remember: The caucuses will take place Tuesday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m.

Thank you for speaking up for Life!

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