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  • MCCL

Double your impact for unborn babies and their moms

In the wake of rising abortions and extreme new pro-abortion laws in our state, MCCL has just launched an ambitious program called the Center for a Pro-Life Minnesota. And to help our new Center hit the ground running, all gifts to the MCCL Education Fund will be doubled, up to $100,000, throughout the month of November.

This matching challenge will be held in conjunction with Minnesota's annual Give to the Max Day on Nov. 16, but gifts may be given at any point during the month.

The Center for a Pro-Life Minnesota is an outreach arm of MCCL dedicated to renewing a pro-life culture in our state through events, presentations, traditional and social media, advertising, and more. Here's how to double your gift in support of this essential pro-life outreach:

Every gift to the MCCL Education Fund is tax-deductible. And remember: Your gift during November goes twice as far on behalf of vulnerable human life.

Thank you for maximizing your gift for life!

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