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MCCL's 2025 Student Day at the Capitol will take place on three days (students can pick one): April 23, April 24, and April 28. Registration is now open:

MCCL's annual Student Day at the Capitol, a long-running program for young people, brings students to St. Paul for a day of pro-life education and learning about government. 

MCCL’s 2025 Student Day will be offered on April 23, April 24, and April 28. Students can pick any day to attend. 

The event is a unique opportunity for students in grades 7-12 to learn about and participate in the political process. The day begins with educational sessions that cover abortion, current legislation, the legislative process, how to lobby elected officials, and more. In the afternoon, most students are able to meet with their own legislators and lobby them to support life. The students may also tour the Capitol and hear from pro-life elected officials.

If you are a student in grades 7-12, we invite you to register to attend. If you know students who are that age (in your church, school, or community), please invite them to participate.

The program starts at 9:30 a.m. each of the days and runs until 2:00 p.m. A nominal $15 suggested donation per person covers the cost of lunch. MCCL will provide adult supervision, so parents do not need to stay for the program (although they are welcome to). Please contact MCCL with any questions. 

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